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Finding Certainty in An Uncertain World

February 25th, 2009

Times are tough and just getting tougher.  My question to you is does it really matter?

Question:  Do you only brush your teeth when you have a date?  No, of course you brush well and often.

Question:  Do you only worry about your finances when times are difficult?  No?  Yes?  How about a solid maybe?

Worrying about how your life is going should be just like brushing your teeth. Some facet of your finances and being prepared for life’s uncertainties should be apart of every day. Yes, many things can not be planned for. However, many things can be anticipated and your reaction can be planned.

Case in Point:   Identity Theft.   Could it happen to you? Sure. Is it likely? Sure. No. Maybe. Regardless of the likelihood, should you look into it? Yes, of course.

So take a minute and look over this web site: http://www.privacytrustgroup.com

The Privacy Trust Group are good people trying to help you keep trouble from knocking at your door.

That seems like a good thing to me.

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