
Archive for the ‘Good Advice’ Category

The Words of Thomas Jefferson

February 21st, 2010

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.

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Good Advice

Health Savings Accounts

January 6th, 2010

I was just reading about a new thing called Health Savings Accounts.  What these accounts do is allow a self-employed person or someone working for a smaller employer to have less expensive health coverage.


These Health Savings Accounts (also called Archer MSA’s) have two facets.  The first thing needed is a high deductible health insurance policy.  The second need is to open a HSA (which is tax sheltered just like an IRA.)  An HSA can be funded by individuals to the tune of up to $3,050 and up to $6,150 for families. 


The HSA contributions are “pre-tax”, meaning they are deducted from one’s gross wages before computing taxes – just like an IRA.  Also like an IRA, the account earnings are not taxed.  When withdrawals are made the amounts are not taxed if used for qualified medical expenses. 


The experience of some HSA families has been savings of around $3,100 per year.  This savings is due to the higher deductible amount being assumed by the insured.  A nice bonus is that the annual savings goes a long way in covering the plan contributions needed to keep the account “topped up” to the maximum limit mentioned above.


The people who benefit the most from HSA plans are individuals and families that enjoy generally good health.  Now they can better afford coverage against catastrophic health problems without suffering under the burden of high cost, low deductible health plans.  One problem in switching to a high deductible plan is it may not be possible for those with preexisting conditions such as cancer or diabetes.


While the HSA’s have been criticized for taking healthy people out of the health insurance pool, those enjoying good health are now rewarded for their stay-healthy live styles.

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Finding Certainty in An Uncertain World

February 25th, 2009

Times are tough and just getting tougher.  My question to you is does it really matter?

Question:  Do you only brush your teeth when you have a date?  No, of course you brush well and often.

Question:  Do you only worry about your finances when times are difficult?  No?  Yes?  How about a solid maybe?

Worrying about how your life is going should be just like brushing your teeth. Some facet of your finances and being prepared for life’s uncertainties should be apart of every day. Yes, many things can not be planned for. However, many things can be anticipated and your reaction can be planned.

Case in Point:   Identity Theft.   Could it happen to you? Sure. Is it likely? Sure. No. Maybe. Regardless of the likelihood, should you look into it? Yes, of course.

So take a minute and look over this web site:

The Privacy Trust Group are good people trying to help you keep trouble from knocking at your door.

That seems like a good thing to me.

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